Thursday, May 24, 2007

Staff Changes

For five and a half years, L’Anne Gilman enthusiastically served as Anne Reed Gallery’s director. As of this spring, L’Anne has been putting her energies toward her own gallery, ending her faithful service to our gallery and gallery artists. We wish her much success in this new venture which has been a long term dream. Changes often turn out to be best for all involved and although it is with sadness that we say goodbye to L’Anne and to other staff who have left, we at Anne Reed Gallery are taking this opportunity to restructure. We are in the process of looking for a very strong and experienced director to take the gallery to new
levels. In the meantime, I am back at the helm, examining and re-examining our needs and the direction the gallery will move. As a result, exciting things are already beginning
to happen.

Jennie Buehler has come on board as the new registrar. Jennie has brought with her an incredible sense of organization, a personality that is calm, and a mind that is quick. She has absorbed with ease immense amounts of information and is already invaluable.

In addition, Jessica Polichetti is back on board...unfortunately not for as long as we’d like, but long enough to make lasting changes for us. Jessica started out as an intern with us six years ago. Since then she graduated with degrees in Japanese and Fine Art from the University of Montana and has spent two years studying in Japan. Although she is headed back to Japan, she is revamping our website, allowing us the opportunity to start new projects such as this blog. Jessica is on the cutting edge of the electronic world and is bringing us not only up to speed, but allowing us to move ahead of the curve.

Which brings me to another big change: we are no longer going to be sending postcard announcements of new shows. We learned that our exhibition announcements used over forty-nine square miles of paper each year on top of creating countless ounces of carbon emissions by having to travel an approximate distance of two thousands miles per card. It seemed that the only way we could have a clear conscience is by switching to e-announcements and we plan to send what will be our "historical first" at the end of this month. Hopefully other galleries will chose this means of communicating, exponentially allowing us all to feel pride in attempting to reverse this planet's current path.

- B. (Barbi) Anne Reed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your "green" move! If millions of catalogers would do the same, huge advances would be accomplished.