ANNE REED GALLERY has never had such overwhelming response (including to fabulous holiday gifts we used to bestow) than we’ve received for sending e-announcements rather than paper announcement cards. Below are some of the comments sent (via e-mail, of course!). Thanks to all of you who wrote and who support us in our efforts to do our part to lower greenhouse gases.
Bravo, look forward to hearing from you online.
Thank you very much for sending your e-announcements. I appreciate what you are doing to help the environment.
I commend you on this decision!! I hope other galleries follow your lead.
That is a terrific, brave step, I look forward to receiving your email/updates.
Good for you, Barbi. Nicely said and nicely done.
This is refreshing!!! Thanks for taking the time to make a difference. We will continue to visit the gallery when in Sun Valley - walking - of course!!! - and will look forward to the electronic updates....
Wonderful news! I love getting an e mail from you -they are always the first ones I open (-:
Excellent decision. I look forward to receiving your e-mailed announcements. The cards were always beautiful, but this is a way better way to go.
Wow! Good for you! Thanks for enlightening us. . . .
Kudos for the awareness and the change. I will miss the beautiful announcement cards, but you are doing the right thing!
No problem. I respect your consideration of the environment.
Bravo! I have never read so succinctly stated the effects of a mass mailing. While I love receiving your cards, I will look forward to receiving them electronically, printing the ones I want to keep and deleting the ones that don't speak to me so strongly. Someday, I hope to visit the gallery and see the work for real!
A good call!
Hats off to Anne Reed Gallery! When I think of all the unsolicited junk mail I throw in the recycle bin every day it makes my stomach turn. Your announcements are one of the few I do enjoy receiving. However, I will be just as happy to receive them through my e-mail. Thank you.
A great decision. I applaud you.
Love your new thoughts and efforts to do something about our global warming problems. keep me on your email list, look forward to them in the future.
Thank you! I love your new online announcements. Good job!
I loved your message and agree totally that we have to find ways to reduce our global footprints. We have a hybrid car, grow our own vegetables, and buy locally!
-B. (Barbi) Anne Reed
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